Summer School for Kids Who Love Films

Young Film Academy are the UK’s leading provider of filmmaking education to ages 5-17 and offer a range of summer school for kids options:

1. Residential Summer Camp (ages 13-14, 15-17)
If you’re looking for a 1,2 or 3 week creative summer camp in the UK, where students can live onsite, then come and make movies with Young Film Academy!

This summer, Young Film Academy (YFA) are transforming a beautiful boarding school one hour from London into a state-of-the-art movie studio for young people aged 13-14, 15-17. Two weeks of non-stop filmmaking fun where students can eat, sleep and breathe movies!  Read More

Summer School for Kids

If you have kids, then you already know that summer is one of the busiest seasons ever. With kids on holidays and the entire household filled with their presence all through July to August, there is only so much that parents can do to keep them busy.

Summer does not have to be so choked up for parents; children can be sent off to summer camps where they will learn several subjects like English language and horse riding and add to their already existing knowledge.

The summer camps can be residential or non-residential and children will engage in different academic and fun activities that will keep them focused and expand their knowledge in other fields.

About London Summer Camps

There are several summer camps in London that kids can be enrolled in from July through August, and these summer camps usually get their curriculum ready because of the lessons they will be impacting on children in the camp.

Various games and activities, camp duties, English tasks and workshops have been prepared in a way that would be both educative and fun for kids.

The best interests of the kids is the number one priority of the camp organisers, who will ensure that these young people, including children under the age of 5 are involved in the fun.

Who Should go to Summer Camps

Summer camps are conducive for children and teens from age 3-19, and usually, these kids are divided into junior teams and students who are old enough to look out for themselves.

Summer camp activities differ based on the kind of camp kids enrol in, but camps schools offer activities like; horse riding, arts and sculpture, film production, English language classes, sports and dance classes. These activities also include outdoor experiences where children get in contact with nature.

Camp Activities for 5-16-Year-Olds

There are a lot of activities that interest children within this age group, and they include; English and foreign language, sports, horse riding, English task-based activities, science, dance, filmmaking, sound production and many more.

When searching for summer camps, knowing what interests your kid will help you a lot; you should not enforce English classes on them when they are besotted with Mathematics.

Summer Schools for Kids in London

Summer school camps in London that are suitable for children and teens are much and they each have different things to teach to these kids. The dates for their activities differ too, and enrolling your kids in any of these summer schools will implement the rights reserved for your child as accommodation and other benefits of the camp would be made available for them.

We have prepared a list of summer schools for kids and the kind of activities that your kids would be taught.

Young Film Summer School

This summer school is the first on our list and very suitable for kids who have shown interests in filmmaking.

The YFA is based in the UK and is an academy that teaches filmmaking education to kids from 5-17 years of age.

This academy has an array of summer school options for kids and some of them are listed below.

Residential Summer Camp

This summer school camp is for 13-16 year-olds. 17-year-olds can also fit into the activities and the course can be taught over 3 weeks.

The summer camp, while being full of educational content on the basics of filmmaking, also contains enough fun activities for kids.

The kids will live on-site for some time before they start to make movies with the YFA.

The YFA will turn any boarding school of their choice into a state-of-the-art movie studio, which will be located an hour away from London so that it will be accessed easily.

At the camp, accommodation will be made available for children, and for 13-16-year-olds, the weeks spent on camp will be filled with filmmaking activities where children will learn everything they need to.

Filmmaking Courses

Children of ages between 8-17 years who do not want to attend the residential summer school can participate in this summer programme instead.

This can also be regarded as a day camp because the activities include courses that can be taught in a full day or span for four days per week. The classes start at 10 am and last till 5 pm.

The YFA holds their classes at four different on-site venues in London through the entire summer, after which the movies will be edited and premiered at the remarkable FBI Southbank.

Young students who sign up for the YFA summer camp are divided into two; the filmmaking crew and the acting crew.

They take their learning courses in line with the group they belong to during their stay in camp. With professional guidance and directions, filmmakers and actors collaborate and through workshops, practical exercises and masterclasses, each crew showcase their specialised skills.

They will produce a movie together and people from different parts of the world, of English descent or not, will be invited to be part of the viewing audience.

Digital copies will then be given to each child to help them update their portfolios.

Benefits of the YFA Summer Camp

The activities and skills that children and teens will engage in include; screenwriting, editing, and sound production.

Apart from these, the school will also teach children the need to socialise and brush up their team spirit, communication skills, resilience and improve their confidence levels because wherever their location, students need to learn the importance of interpersonal relationship.

The Little House of Science

This summer school is suitable for children aged 4-12 and is more like an academic school. They learn new things every day, and with every discovery, they get more curious. They can spend hours asking you questions you have no answers to.

For the entire summer, you can enroll your child in this school where they will be taught STEM courses.

From July through August, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics will be taught to your children. English is taught too, but not as much as the STEM subjects

The Little House of Science offers to answer any academic questions that your kids might have. And while they are learning, they will experience fun through the various experiments that they will carry out at the location.

Shooting Starz Sports School

This summer school is an English camp founded in 2013 that helps kids of all ages select sports activities that they will excel in.

Kids from age 2-14 years are allowed to participate in sports at all levels because, during the holiday, the sports camp is run half-terms and full summers.

For young students aged 2-14 years, the students take a course in any sports activities including; gymnastics, football, netball or they participate in the multi activity.

From June to August while learning is ongoing, the Shooting Starz camp school provides professional coaching and modern facilities that make the learning process easier and fun.

At the Shooting Starz camp, sports for junior kids will also be added to their programme and while this will last for weeks, extra care will be taken to ensure that these students are kept safe and that they have the best holiday ever.

For 1-3-year-olds, the activities can be conducted as in a day camp where kids will come around for a stipulated number of days per week.

While they spend hours per day learning and practising, socialising is also part of the school’s programme, as they will be taught the importance of making new friends.

Wild Learning

Children love a good adventure, and the Wild Learning summer camp unlike some other schools offers fun activities that take kids into the woodlands.

With enough experience and adventure to last the entire summer, the activities that these young students engage in include; tent building, fire making, storytelling, tree climbing, camouflage, natural crafts and mud sculpting activities.

These activities are supervised by professionals who are always at the location. They some end hours outside to provide the best experience for these children.

Registration starts in June and parents can enrol their children for a day, a week or from July to August.

The location they use in a day is different, and they can have a whole lot of hideouts per week.

Things You Need for this Summer Camp

Before kids start with their outdoor experience, they first have to be dropped off at the designated pickup location. Junior kids are separated from teenagers old enough to take care of themselves.

Adequate Clothing

As per the English weather, adequate clothing has to be taken; light layered clothes for the heat, and coats for when the weather turns chilly.

Sunscreens, hats and muffler should also be packed for them.

Doctors’ Report

These reports are necessary because children need to be taken care of. Allergies and health challenges ought to be brought to the notice of camp facilitators.


Most preferably, penknives should be packed for these children because certain tasks involving knives will be shown to them in camp.


While there will be provision made for these at the camp, going with extra flashlights is also advisable.

Dance Groove

This is an English holiday workshop and summer school that teaches dance to campers. Keeping contact with their flexible selves, a learner might decide to enrol in a themed dance course, dance parties or the Dance Groove school clubs.

Art Academy, London

For teenagers aged 12-16 years, the English summer school is a good choice for a child interested in arts and sculpture.

Although the Art Academy, London is for people with prior knowledge in the arts, the school also offers courses to junior artists who are aged 12-16 or 17.

The programme starts in June and continues through July and August. This academy also admits junior students of similar ages from international countries.

Suitable for children not well versed with their artistic skills, this London camp offers an array of subjects to junior artists from London or other countries.

With a professional handling each course and set it at different dates, students get well informed about their learning activity.

English Language Summer Camps

The following summer camps facilitate the teaching of English.

Clarendon Tutors

Including a bit of academic activity in your kid’s schedule during the summer is a great idea. It keeps their brains refreshed and ready for the new school term.

Clarendon Tutors is an English camp in London that helps children remember what they had been taught while teaching them new things throughout July.

Parents in London can drop off their children who are 5-17 years old for a week or more.

The children are expected to take part in any course taught, including; Mathematics and the English language.

Kildinar Equine and English Language Camp

This is an English camp that comprises fun activities and academic programmes as well. With its location in the UK.

At this school, equestrian skills are taught to kids aged 10-18 years. Kids around London and kids from international countries sign up for this holiday camp as well.

Apart from horse riding, the school conducts English language classes for young students.

This English language course is learnt by international students outside London, and while the two courses offer the most fun, students pick what they are interested in for the weeks they will be in camp.

The English academy offers accommodation to the 5 kids who will get admitted into the school. The camp lasts for 1-3 weeks, or even longer than that.

Both the horse riding and English classes will improve their performance in their use of English, and contact will be made with parents to inform them of how well their children are performing.

Why Summer Schools

All rights reserved, summer schools in London are beneficial, and while they may spend a lot of time there, children of all ages, both international and London based, who have kept dates with summer schools and have taken part in one academic activity or the other from July till August usually have a great time.

And though each activity differs from the other, new things will be learnt and will enable these children to consider new career paths.

Perhaps, July will remain their favourite month because of the promise of a week or two at a summer camp in London.

Their programmes range from English classes to sports activities; to get in contact with them and choose a course for your kid, you can visit their websites.


Having kids stay home during the summer holiday can be tasking for parents who do not have enough hours in the day. Well, this does not have to be so. In camps, learners would learn new things and take part in any programme organised by these summer schools. With their location being different, the camps offer academic activities like English classes and other tasks that will be an adventure for kids who will learn to live with other people and learn skills that will improve their self-development. Summer camps are also about fun, and while students are learning, fun activities and will take place too.

2. Filmmaking Courses (ages 8-10, 11-13, 14-17)
If you’d prefer a one-day or four-day course (10am-5pm), Young Film Academy run filmmaking courses from 4 venues in London throughout the summer, culminating in a premiere screening of the movies at the prestigious BFI Southbank.

Click here for full Course Dates: