Film Making Workshops For Young Creatives

YFA offers an array of in-school filmmaking activities to enhance your curriculum. Our filmmaking and acting courses and camps focus on the dynamic, hands-on approach to filmmaking!

We design and deliver projects for some of the UKʼs largest institutions, right through to groups of kids who just want to have fun making movies at home. So if you’re aged 6-19 and you want to get involved in filmmaking – whether itʼs for a day, a week or a year, get in touch today on 0207 3874341 or click the big red button to get started! Read More

Film making workshops

Are your kids passionate about acting or filming? Or are they practically actors at home? Do they love to make videos while with your phone? It means you have upcoming future stars in your home. This is definitely for you. Workshops are avenues created for intense discussion and deliberation of different matters involving all the aspects of film production and projects. Film-making workshops and classes are meant for students who are really passionate about making films. Well, they are also created for intense education and communication between a small group of young people to elaborate and focus on the activities of a particular field course. It also involves intensive practical training activities where everyone participates to gain more understanding.

These workshops teach young people all about film making projects from writing, directing, screenwriting, and loads more. Light, camera, action are the most used words in filmmaking which allow good supervision and directing of crew members.

The Young Film Academy Workshop for Young People in London

The YFA is one of the UK’s top leading filmmaking academy for young people in London. They offer intensive workshops in London to help young people build their acting/filming careers. Interestingly, they have a wide range of courses for each workshop. Please get in touch with them to receive more information about their scheduled events including the age range, dates, and time. The following filmmaking workshop courses and programmes are offered in schools this year, 2021.

One day film school (online)

This one day filmmakers workshop offers great opportunities for kids with 12-month access online. During the workshop, your kids will learn about the history of filmmaking, make their short films, learn to use their camera appropriately for shooting films, learn the use of choreography in movies, and other important aspects of screenwriting. This is meant for 8 – 18-year-olds. They will also enjoy watching their movies while it plays. Importantly, this workshop can be run either at home or at school through exercise lessons. It also involves an unlimited number of kids. Perfect for students in boarding houses as they would be excited to create sound effects, plan and direct the production of a short film.

Rough cut workshop

With experienced professionals in the film industry, student filmmakers learn the techniques of films by improving their ability to be creative, make choices, and important decisions in filmmaking. They receive more insight into how media images tell stories and how viewers or audiences can get affected positively due to the choices of film producers. This course involves 25 young people ages 10 – 18 and this is just a one-day practical workshop course.

Prospectus film

Interestingly, during this workshop and events, students write their short films, direct and edit them including how it’s made behind the scenes. This gives each school within London and its outskirts an opportunity of standing out through film production techniques. Who wouldn’t want their school to succeed? Please contact them for pricing and visit their film website to obtain new events and courses. This is a 4 – 5 day workshop for kids aged 11 – 18. It requires 18 participants which give everyone the chance to participate fully from the start to the end of film directing, television, and production.

One day film school

As the name implies, it takes just a day. It is usually for about 100 students at a time. All students get the opportunity of creating their films. This course includes onscreen fight choreography, screenwriting, history of filmmaking, and camera activities. Amazingly, these filmmakers workshops are suitable for art festivals, recreational fun weekends, general studies, and lots more. Visit their site to input a date of interest to enable you to register your kid.

The sequel

Impressively this film academy course is for young people who intend to take their career skills seriously. This comes just after the completion of the one-day film school. The sequel improves their skills through music, editing, and recording of sounds. Here, students get practical experience in shooting, editing, and can post-produce all their films. New skills acquired in the process include their ability to work with different people, problem-solving, communication skills, and information and technology skills. This occurs with proper supervision. Ensure to pick a date and give your kid a lifetime of adventure.

Other workshop courses in the Young Film Academy are stated below

Make a film a day workshop

This workshop class course runs for a whole day at the young film academy. It begins at 10 am and ends at 5:30 pm. 8 – 16-year-olds can attend this workshop. Students in the make a film a day workshop experience all aspects of film making and television from planning, shooting, directing, sound, and editing to the final product. This one-day course will start at a flexible time and date. It will also end well with a film.

Four-day film school

Kids ages 10 – 18 are encouraged to enroll in this 4-day workshop class course. It allows kids to get involved in film making education courses. They also get to learn more about scriptwriting, lighting, sound and fight choreography in less than a week. With different dates for the course, they can select a date or dates that suit them.

Benefits of film making workshop for kids in London

Skill development/improvement

Young people will experience great improvement in their skills during workshops.

Improves digital and computer skills

With constant advancement and change in technology, the film industry upgrades all their equipment and gadgets to the latest model. It helps to develop digital skills in film making/video programmes including editing, cinematography, scriptwriting, documentary, and so on.

Aids in visual storytelling

Learning visual storytelling is a plus for young people as professionals in the industry use various new techniques to guide them.

Improved thinking and writing skills

Children who develop their talents from an early age can think vastly and pen down their new ideas turning them into visual images. Their ability to think ahead is a key to being a professional at directing or producing one-day films.

Ability to communicate better

Well for shy and timid kids, they learn better with their pairs while acting or making a short film. There is usually so much fun and adventure associated with film making. They also learn to share creative ideas about their short film characters and how the scenes should look.

Great learning and teamwork spirit

Making films involves a lot of team effort. For no one is an island in the film industry. Each aspect of filmmaking requires the other. A lot can be achieved over short periods. They get to also apply what they learn in classes to their day-to-day life.

Helps in decision making

These kids can make remarkable decisions especially when it comes to a range of choices and parts to play in the film industry. With time your kids will know their strengths and work on them. This will help boost their career positively when in the University and beyond. They can easily film a simple documentary on their own.

Boosts self-confidence

With intensive class workshops, it boosts the confidence of kids while performing/working on stage during production with their pairs.

Great exposure

These filmmakers workshops provide great exposure for kids to the different aspects and genres of films. It makes them know themselves better and determine the aspects they are great in. Including making a short film documentary.


Filmmaking workshops are perfect for your kids who want to be involved in all the practical working processes of film and video production. Intensive learning is paramount with a lot of fun activities to boost their skills and help them to be creative. Don’t miss this time and opportunity of enrolling your children this year, 2021 in these practical class workshops and reap the fruits in the future. You can also view the dates and time for all class workshops 2021 via their site. Choose a date and get started.