Central London Film School

From the London Film School to NFTS, there’s some great Central London film schools, however they are often for older students and post-graduates. At Young Film Academy, we believe that passion for the things you love starts early.

That’s why we offer amazing film courses for students as young as 8, ranging from a single day to a 2-week all-inclusive residential summer camp! Filmmakers and actors on our courses learn from industry professionals. They get to use professional equipment, run their own film sets and make friends with other movie-mad young people!Read More

Central London film school

Interested in an acting career? Do you want to develop and use your skills professionally? If yes, you are in the right place to start. The Central film school London is the perfect place to get enrolled. Central film schools’ location is on the 3rd floor, Universal house 88 – 94 Wentworth street, London e1 7sa, UK. Graduates from the Central film school London get opportunities to start working internationally and in the UK. This school strives to make all students competent through the development of outstanding skills. With a practical approach, each student gets the best academic education as undergraduates or postgraduates and through short courses in filming full time. The technological advancements of the world are also effected by the school’s program of activities with up-to-date equipment and ideas.

Cool Places to Study Film in the City of London

There are different schools available within London where film making and acting can be studied. London is the hub for movies. Contact these schools and visit their site for open information about fees and tuition.

MetFilm School London

This is one world-class film school both in online media and television. Metfilm school ensures the professional industry grows through the quality and practical experience offered to all students. They offer short, postgraduate, and undergraduate full-time courses within Berlin and London. Undergraduate courses offered include practical filmmaking, screen acting, film business, screen entrepreneurship and content, media, and movie production. Postgraduate courses like MA in film and television production, post-production, directing, scriptwriting, and cinematography. Part-time courses are also included like, documentary filming, foundation in producing, and screenwriting. They also promote and support individuals. Metfilm partnered with the University of West London bringing forth 2 practical courses. Visit their site for enquiries and more open information about fees and tuition.

Young Film Academy

This outstanding school offers great opportunities for students either in person or remotely. It is one of the UK’s main film-making academy for young people. Enrolling at the YFA this year is simple just contact or visit their website and fill their enquiry form. The following courses at the YFA are available on their site.

Residential filmmaking and screen acting summer camp

Here, the YFA offers young people a chance to be themselves especially movie lovers. The camp is mostly held at Culford boarding school for their comfort and it’s for young kids of 12 -17 years. Tuition, meals, equipment, excursions, other open activities, and stay are covered by you. The camp lasts for one or two weeks depending on preference and budget. It will come into play in August 2021. You can apply, search and download the brochure for their summer camps which is available via their website or contact them for more open information.

Remote filmmakers clubs

This runs for one term with 4 sessions via zoom on Saturdays. It involves at most 2 participants per household who are 10 – 14 years. Best suits kids who love any level of filmmaking. Their site has more open information for the year 2021.

Remote masterclasses

Exclusively designed for use at the comfort of your home via zoom. It is an intense 3 hours course for young and aspiring people interested in full acting or filming.

Make a film a day

Aspiring students get to produce brief and meaningful films within a day by working together. They first start with a plan, write their stories, act, shoot, and edit their films at the end of the day.

Remote private courses

Packed with live practical events and activities, young people get to study either full-day or half-day. Every student can combine a half and full day.

London film academy

Through the years, this academy has produced many filmmakers dominating the world. With a conducive learning environment, positive traits are developed while acting or filming. The London film academy offers so many courses based on the needs and requirements of postgraduate and undergraduates. Graduates get the opportunity of belonging to the filmmakers club and receive relevant advice from the main professional filmmakers. Their undergraduate course takes 2 years. With industry professionals, young people first learn about filming, write scripts, and display on screen for audiences. Each course fees covers all aspects of filming. The LFA works with the University of Derby. Young people get access to film festivals which boosts their work and grows their contact. Including up-to-date, all-year learning. The postgraduate course is basically for young people interested in furthering their career and the training runs across main level sounds, editing, directing production, cinematography, and screenwriting.

Film making diploma

It is designed to last a year with an all-year experience in filming. The diploma course is a pre-requisite to gaining an academic degree in BA or an MA in filming. You can get more open information from their site.

Short courses

LFA’s short courses start from a day to six weeks based on your choice. Some short courses include BFI film academy, directing certificate, screenwriting certificate, cinematography certificate, screenplay in one day.

Documentary filming certificate

Within 6 weeks you get all the important details and information about documentary. Professionals involved in filming documentaries got you covered. Kids get to work in groups, carry out various documentaries and acquire both theoretical and practical experience.

They also offer online courses, bespoke training, consulting, and other free events.

Central Film School London

The central film school with their location at floor universal house 88 94 Wentworth street, e1 7sa London is a cool and interesting place to study filmmaking. You may decide to enroll as a full-time student. Feeding and other aspects are covered by their tuition. All outstanding postgraduate and undergraduate students get tuition fees which are up to 50 %. This University also provides options for study fees and tuition including access to loans. Their site employs the use of cookies to gather open site information.

Central Film School Courses

Ready to enroll in the school? Then apply to this school because their courses are flexible for students to work with.

Undergraduate degree course

This runs for 2 years, unlike spending 3 years in a University. You are done with both undergraduate and master’s degrees in three years. Incredible, right? This is made possible where summertime is used as a term within the two years. The main academic events in this University/institution include full-time practical filming, training, and BA studies in screenwriting.

A one-year international foundation program in production media helps serve as a means of paving the way for the undergraduate student program.

Master courses

All student master full-time courses run exclusively for one year and include

  1. MA in social impact documentary film making: It is meant for students interested in documentary arts. Both theory and practice in filming are a plus because it enables them to effect change through technological media.
  2. Film sales and distribution: This brings students closer through a comprehensive knowledge of media distribution, films, and television. It concentrates on highlighting areas of distribution and sales globally. Master students will get familiar with financial business, practices in marketing, and global media markets.
  3. Film making: Tends to increase the capacities of young persons to be open, think further by being explorative and collaborative in post-production, scriptwriting, etc.
  4. Masters in directing fiction: Each master student officially receives both theoretical, practical, and knowledgeable skills in full directing while adopting new methods of filming and broadcasting.

Benefits of joining the full-time master course

  • Enhances shooting of films with either double or single cameras, direct and free access to facilities and modern equipment in filmmaking. Most tutors are professionals in film industry.
  • Graduates get opportunities in academic research, commissions from international NGOs
  • Young people get connected to documentary partners and contact them always.

Short film courses

The central film school London offers 4 interesting and engaging short courses for the study, effective schedule and attendance of young people.

  1. Directing actors: A two-day weekend course. Each student will enjoy this course as new directors to help casting crew work together. This course helps develop outstanding skills during the production of movies. It helps avoid silly mistakes.
  2. Six months of independent film making: This takes 24 weeks to complete and includes intense practical sessions with teachers to help improve your kids’ career as a filmmaker. Thus improving their skills in all aspects of filming with collaboration between students and teachers. This course is specially drafted for persons who crave independence and have the drive to produce their movies. They may as well get skills in all aspects of film studies and production.
  3. Summer teen film making: Interestingly, this course lasts for 2 weeks. From the start, to the end of the course, students learn to handle and use different editing software, cameras, and other basic equipment. They get to explore different aspects of animation, TV, and film industries. It begins in July and it’s for 16 – 18 years olds.
  4. Practical film making: The course provides opportunities to shoot in different locations within London. Amazingly, young people get to write and direct their own films. Access is granted to students to use equipment including after-school sessions. All aspects of filming are taught since the course is meant for students with little or no knowledge and experience in film production. Prospective students can start enrolling in July and check the website for more information.

Part-time courses

The CFS offers part-time courses for persons who may not meet up with full time and it runs for different lengths of time. Including the following

  1. Directing actors: A two-day weekend course. It provides the basic information required in filming. This course is open for more practical and onscreen involvement in the course of filming with available crew members.
  2. Directing the visual story: A 6 weeks course and takes place online too. The course helps young people improve as directors by taking important decisions during acting. It also involves doing assignments between sessions and encourages students to capture events easily. The programmes for directing include the basics of good grammar, camera movements, staging scenes, pre-visualization, planning shoots, and storyboarding. Collaboration between directors and cinematographers brings to bear the director’s vision.
  3. Writing a great screenplay: Interestingly, this includes a 6-week intense training course both online and part-time. This helps students develop skills in writing stories for the camera through the development of ideas to the final draft. Stories can be written in short forms through brainstorming, visual writing, character writing, development of scripts, table reads, and the final draft. This program will start in June. You can also contact them through their site for open information about fees and tuition for this course.
  4. Introduction to film making: This includes 6 weeks of intense study about filming both online and part-time. Relevant information is explored in this part-time course. Such as the roles of different sections in filming from the start of production to the finish. Each week, a new topic is covered to ensure all aspects of the course are touched. It takes place online and will start in June.

Each week during the programmes kids learn a lot.

  • Tutors/teachers bring to light the importance of writing a story through screenplay, development of scripts, and working with deadlines.
  • Young people learn all the functions of producers during production and filming.
  • They learn how directors manage screenplay.
  • Positive energies are created through cooperation with crew members in design, sound, visual effects, photography, etc.
  • They also start learning open ways of improving the quality level of sounds and pictures for better viewing through their programmes.

Online courses

Central school London brings practical learning closer to you, especially those not within London and international persons. These main online courses are great to get enrolled in with so much available information and fun. Let’s take a look at some.

  1. Introduction to making films: This also runs for 6 weeks with an intense level of activities to keep students informed. It explores all the relevant roles in filming and the elements attached including writing, production, directing, collaboration with crew members, production, and post-production.
  2. Writing short screenplay: It provides 6 weeks of intensive learning online every Wednesday. The main program includes writing short stories, writing about a character, developing scripts, promoting table reads by actors, and creating the final drafts.
  3. Film making essentials: All roles in filmmaking are learnt between June and November. This is important to boost the level of knowledge about different roles played by actors.

Pre-sessional course

The Central film school London has professional courses for students at the Wimbledon School of English (WSE). This avails opportunities for learning the English language and developing /improving new or already existing skills. It is a 6-month course but centers more on critical thinking, communication, presentations, research and methods, learning independently, improved study skills, taking part in seminars, and working as a team. WSE has great accommodation and provides discounts. You can apply to get into central film school London. Visit and search their main website to find more interesting and open information.

How to get admitted into Central Film School London

Nervous about getting into the Central film school in London? Don’t be. We got you covered. There is a simple way to get enrolled in the school. All you have to do is write a personal statement about yourself. It should not exceed 500 words where you talk about yourself including your level of experience and reasons for applying and why you are the best choice. You can state your aims in the acting industry. Search for more open information on their website and use it to your advantage. After all the level of assessment, the next thing is the interview which lasts for 30 mins. It can be done within the school or online via their site. Study and prepare to give it your best and impress your interviewers.


You can search their website for more fresh and open information about the course you intend to apply for, including the job opportunities attached to the course. Be accurate and straightforward with all information you provide about yourself. At the close of the interview, you are also at liberty to ask questions. What are you waiting for? Start preparing your application to this amazing school. For more information visit their website for enquiries or visit their location at 3rd-floor universal house 88 94 Wentworth street, e1 7sa London.

Benefits of choosing Central film school London

Due to the small size of their classes, students get to easily participate in open activities required for each student to carry out and gives an open opportunity to learn and comprehend what is being taught easily. Important skills are learnt through practical training sections given by the main professional teachers and tutors. You get to learn the most recent methods/trends of filmmaking. Students are also at liberty to ask questions and receive answers. They also help young people to become specialists in the filming industry.

Is the Central film school London good?

Yes, London film school is a great and well-known academic institution with international recognition not just in the UK. Top celebrities obtained degrees from this open and prestigious school/University. Every student gets to learn the history of filming and all other aspects of videoing, production, and other areas.


As a parent, you may find it difficult to choose where to enroll your kid. London is a great place to enroll your kids for a great future beyond. Central film school is a wonderful place to start a filming career for your kids. Don’t miss this great opportunity for your kids. Apply and have a great adventure through positive learning and studies. You can search for more open information by visiting their website or their location on the third floor Universal house 88-94 Wentworth street, e1 7sa London city. Each website uses cookies to enhance your navigation and collation of open information.