10th Birthday Party Ideas

Looking for birthday party ideas for your 10 year old? We know coming up with ideas for parties that your kid will love can be hard! You’ve probably looked all over the internet for new and exciting 10th birthday ideas…Well your search may finally be over…

Young Film Academy offer a variety of movie and music video parties for kids of all ages. We might just have the most exciting parties on the planet! But we will let you be the judge of that. With every one of our parties you get to keep the finished film or music video and cherish it forever. Click the button below and take a look at our fun filmmaking celebrations, for ages 5-16 (recommended).Read More

10th Birthday Party Ideas

Most parents feel that planning a birthday party should come with a ‘how-to’ manual pin because there is always a birthday to celebrate. The information they have is as little as a pin. They think that since this is the first double digits birthday of the child, they need to get awesome 10th birthday party ideas.

A birthday party is a one-day affair that should be something colorful and fun. It should hold one of the best memories for your 10 year old. It should be one they pin forever in their minds.

As parents, you need information on how to pin plan the best, low-budget and convenient party, but you don’t know how.

Pin information can be gotten online from party planners with mind blowing themes and extraordinary party ideas that will make your tween feel better than a million bucks. They never run out of birthday party ideas which they pin online and make memories kids like and pin forever. Find the information you want online with various birthday themes pin.

Party Planning

If you have never planned a birthday party before, you will see that it is a little bit tricky because there is a lot you need to take care of. While preparing for your child’s 10th birthday party, any information you can find and pin will be helpful. Here is a list you can pin to your fridge.

Birthday Gifts

There is no 10th birthday party without a birthday gift, you just have to find the right presents for your kids. Surprising celebrants with a gift or two on their birthday is a tradition that cannot be done without. Guests may be excused, but i parents must present even pin sized birthday gifts, to the birthday celebrant during their party. These gifts could be hidden around the house for the celebrant to find them or you can pile or pin them on the same table.

For your information, you don’t want the celebrant sulking at his own party.


This includes all the lights, confetti, ribbons, balloons, cards, and other items you will find for decorating the venue. You can pin birthday notes around the house where kids will find them. You can also pin banners. Find colorful balloons that will be used for decorations, and remember do not use pin on a balloon.


Find and pin a good menu that complements the birthday party. Sufficient enough to serve everyone present, food covers meals, cakes, pies and even ice-cream. These should be set on the cloth-pin dressed dining table or a table set in the patio or yard. Get information to find out allergies to food and pin allergens present. If eating in the yard is planned, make sure that the weather remains balmy long till party ends. Information on weather can be checked.

10th Birthday Party Ideas

10th birthday party ideas are ideas that you come up with for your child’s 10th birthday after gathering enough information and making adequate preparations. These ideas are designed to make their 10th birthday party memorable and fun. Planning birthday parties take a lot of work and help from everyone is often required.

Getting the right information about colors to use, meals to prepare, games to play, and gifts to present will make one’s head spin.

For a great 10th birthday party, there are a number of concepts and themes you can work with. Find and pin some useful information below.

Notes From Neighbors

A Tween is sentimental. Parents can quietly request that ‘thank you’ notes be written for their 10 year old by neighbors and friends who have the right information about them. Pin these notes where children will find them easily. Though different from the norm, it is a great theme and encourages kids to carry on with their good deeds, even after the party ends.


If you are running out of party ideas, here is another option you will find. While this birthday theme will not be easily sold to a girl, boys would love the idea of spending quality time in the woods, bonding over bonfires and marshmallows. Find the perfect spot that will promise a lot of fun; you can find rabbit holes with your child, but be sure to keep them safe. Camping information are available.

Make-Up Theme Party

Girls enjoy making and dressing up. While a boy might find Toy Story and Super Man party ideas more interesting, girls could spend an impressive amount of time making up. Gather as much information as you can find on different make up themes and pin them on your doors.

Find pin up attires for the girls and acquire information about other fun birthday ideas they might find interesting. They could find and design double digits birthday cards with little information about themselves inscribed within. Pin these on their dressers.

Games and Activities

If you have a 10 year-old, you will find that they are boisterous, love to play, have fun and don’t like being idle, so, games and activities make for an excellent party idea.

While kids are engaged in their games, time could be used to scoop the last of the ice-cream onto cones and bake the last batch of the cookies. These games are excellent and boys and girls will find them interesting. Everyone should participate. Before the games begin, pin information on how they should be played on boards.

Scavenger Hunt

If you don’t mind cleaning double of the birthday mess when the party ends, you can let them play this game at home, otherwise, the neighborhood will be just fine. The rule of the game is simple; divide the guests into two groups- boys and girls most preferably, and send them out to find the items you have carefully hidden away from view.

You however, have to give them clues and provide them necessary information, to find their trophies easily.

Balloon Stomp

This is more like a ‘survival of the fittest’ game. Each kid should have a balloon tied around their ankle, they are expected to stomp out their friends’ balloons without a pin, while they keep theirs safe at the same time. The last kid with a balloon wins. Ensure children have the right information on the game.

Hide and Seek

The participants have to hide in several spots, and the seeker is expected to find all the members of the group. Pin information clues for an easier find.

Hanging Donuts

This is another great game that can be played at a 10th birthday party. It is a ‘hands-free’ game. A string is tied through the hole in the donuts and hung a little bit above head level, low enough for the kids to touch with their mouths. Give kids information on how to eat the donuts.

Candy Pinata

This is a traditional birthday game, and the plan is to find the perfect pinata and stuff it with candy after which it should be hung above head level using a pin.

Kids should each be handed bats and sticks to hit the pinata until all the candy comes raining down. And if it takes too long, an adult should use a pin to bore little holes into the pinata so the kids find it easier to break.

Movie Night

This is another excellent theme for a 10th birthday party. If you do not have a birthday party planned for your kid, organise a film show that will surprise them. Complete with popcorn, drinks and tickets, this could be a fun, alternative birthday party for them.

If you however, have planned for a themed birthday party based on a movie, the cinema should be replicated in the house; low cushions, blankets, popcorn, drinks should be planned for and provided and celebrants can choose a movie they want to see. Or if they want, they can have replays of their favorite, old movies. The YFA has useful information on movie themed party ideas.

Pool Party

Before holding a pool party, get information and find out how the weather would be. Pool parties are better planned in the summer, when the weather is balmy and mild. Guests will be required to bring their swimming suits and trunks. A lifeguard will be placed on guard duty in case of any incident.

Pool parties are one of the best ideas for 10th birthday events and the guests will find it particularly refreshing. Parents do not have to worry because this will fit into the plans of a girl who is celebrating her 10th birthday.

Masquerade Balls

Gathering the right information about masquerade balls and how they are organized will go a long way in ensuring that the themed birthday party is one kids will find interesting. The celebrant is free to choose whatever concept they desire and the dress code for the day based on available information. It could be tuxedos for the guys and dresses for girls. The ball could be a night affair, which they will find different from the normal birthday party. A girl might want a different theme, but it’s okay, it’s their party after all. A place to pin outer coats should be available.

A lot of other information for 10th birthday ideas are still available. Some ideas include karaoke, hotel vacations and spa treatment, visiting their favorite spots, paint balling, trips to amusement parks and other recreational centers. All of these are fun ideas for 10th birthdays; ideas that children are sure to find interesting.


Planning a party is not a days’ job, literally, but with the right information, these birthday parties could be planned in a fun way for your 10 year old escape. Parents should ensure that they have something extraordinary planned for the big 10. If the task appears to be too daunting, a lot of information is available online to excel at planning parties. Such information include complete guides with appropriate decorations for a 10th birthday, your ten year old party.